Glossary Item Box
The GridMap component for Visual Studio need a license to work in binary file.
You can use free in design mode without license. But if you want to compile your application with the GridMap component you need a license otherwise an alert message box will appear.
To enter your license you can do it on the Open() event of the GridMap control:
Private Sub PsysGridMap1_Open() Handles PsysGridMap1.Open
'### SET LICENSE ###
PsysGridMap1.LicenseName = "Your Name"
PsysGridMap1.LicenseAddress = "Your Address"
PsysGridMap1.LicenseCity = "Your City"
End Sub
The license for 1 developer can be used by a single developer. This license can not be shared with other developers even if they are part of the same company.
The license for 10 developers can be used, as the name implies, by up to 10 developers as long as they are all part of the same company.
The unlimited developer license has no usage limits for the number of developers. It is a company license, which means that all developers are part of the same company that bought the license.
See Also |
Properties: BackColor | BackgroundImage | BackgroundImageLayout | BackgroundMapJSON | BackgroundMapXML | CellHeight | CellWidth | CellsTitleAlign | ContentBackColor | DraggingActive | MapBackColor | MapBackgroundImage | MapBackgroundImageLayout | MapBorderColor | TotalCellsX | TotalCellsY | ViewCellsTitle
Methods: DuplicateCell | GetCell | GetCellsCount | Redraw | RemoveAllCells | RemoveCell | SetCell
Events: CellClick | CellDoubleClick | Dragging | Open
Classes: clsBackgroundGrid | clsBackgroundGridItem | clsPsysCell