Property MapBackgroundImageLayout (type ImageLayout)
Set/Get the grid map background image layout.
With this property you can change the grid map background image layout.
You can set title align in different way:
- System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.None
The image is left-aligned at the top across the grid map rectangle.
- System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Tile
The image is tiled across the grid map rectangle.
- System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Center
The image is centered within the grid map rectangle.
- System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Stretch
The image is streched across the grid map rectangle.
- System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Zoom
The image is enlarged within the grid map rectangle.
BackColor | BackgroundImage | BackgroundImageLayout | BackgroundMapJSON | BackgroundMapXML | CellHeight | CellWidth | CellsTitleAlign | ContentBackColor | DraggingActive | MapBackColor | MapBackgroundImage | MapBorderColor | TotalCellsX | TotalCellsY | ViewCellsTitle