Xojo Gantt
The component Gantt for Xojo development platform is a support tool for project management in a diagram that displays the status of the projects for a certain period of time. It can also be used to view the reservations of a hotel, for a calendar of events, or any other environment where you need to display a diagram with the elements and time.
After you insert the component inside the window you can, via code, add elements and periods.
At the top will be shown the calendar (month, day) of which each column corresponds to a day.
The items will be displayed by rows (each row an element).
While the periods (Span) will be highlighted within the elements (rows).
Each element can contain endless periods. Each period can be customized for start date, end date, color, completion percentage, etc.
Clicking on a period will be triggered an event that will bring the parameters: the selected period, the element to which the period, and the selected date.
Clicking on a blank area will be unleashed an event with parameters that will bring: the selected item, and the selected date.
Is available a trial version to test all Xojo Gantt features.
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